The "quest" unlocks the secret Edge of Reality level, and allows the player to fight Lokarr in the Crucible of the Dead. There are several steps required, with no attached quest and only cryptic clues given for each step. Objectives: Return to Captain Somer in Homestead.Lokarr's Secret Quest is available on Ultimate difficulty only. You should report to Captain Somer in Homestead of your success. You have assaulted the Gruesome Harvest and destroyed the Aetherial abomination they were creating. Objectives: Destroy the Aetherial Amalgamation. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. There you will find the Aetherials entrenched and in the process of creating some sort of sick monstrosity within one of the barns.ĭestroy the abomination before it can wreck havoc across the farmlands. Captain Somer of the Black Legion has sent you on a special operation to disrupt Aetherial activity near Homestead. Destroy it and report back to Captain Somer for the reward.Ĭaptain Somer will then offer the Blood Harvest quest.

Inside the enclosure lies a barn holding an Aetherial boss creature, The Amalgamation. You will come to a gated enclosure full of Aetherials it is best to lure them out through the gate to thin them out. Take the Rotting Croplands riftgate and follow the path all the way to the end which will put you almost due north of the riftgate. The Gruesome Harvest is located to the west of Homestead. Somer believes that whatever the Aetherials are planning is almost complete and must be stopped before it is too late. For some time now the barn in the area has been giving off a blinding light both day and night, until now.

The Aetherials are occupying an area of farmland known as The Gruesome Harvestand collecting corpses on which to conduct their resurrection techniques.